Project “School Archer “


The participation and involvement of representatives of the school world in the training of the course “EUROPEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE TRADITIONAL ARCHERY” – “EU-Archeritage” (2018-1-TR01-KA204-059569) allowed to integrate the project proposal within an inclusive space such as the one of the school.


The participating teachers of Polo Europeo della Conoscenza have worked to promote and support an inclusive culture through traditional archery in the school of I and II Grade, thanks to the acquisition of tools and ideas which have allowed them to develop supplementary and adapted didactic-sporting proposals, suitable to favour the inclusion of students with disabilities. Thus “School Archer” (Archer of the School) was born, an integration project of traditional archery, as a strategy to promote inclusion, as an adapted physical activity and as a sporting activity for everyone. Traditional archery has made it possible to solicit multiple skills such as the acquisition of responsibility together with concentration and control skills; at the same time, it is an inclusive and equalizing sport, capable of satisfying the training needs of each student.

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